Ahemmm ... that's me clearing my throat before I write a post that three months ago, this Food Flirt from 90210 could have NEVER have imagined writing. I am in LOVE ... with the food scene in the valley, as in the 818, San Fernando Valley straight out of Clueless. Now how did a 90210 girl ever find herself North of Sunset, let alone over the hill on Ventura Blvd.? Don't be nosy! I'll tell you another time.
The point is, I did find myself there, and when I find myself almost anywhere, I eat. So, after a few VERY skeptical visits and three truly memorable meals, I began to wonder, "Does the city really have the best food in LA?" Now mind you, I'm not talking about fancy schmancy, five star restaurant food, nor do I mean food truck fare. The valley has amazing ethnic restaurants of all sorts. Let's begin this gastro-adventure in pseudo Israel, shall we?

Israeli cuisine isn't the type of food that's easy to flirt with ... it kind of makes you want to commit. That almost never happens to me. Two words people: Aroma Cafe. Despite my shiksa nature, I think I'm well on my way to becoming a regular at this place. The coffee is smooth, they know how to make micro foam and there are pastries galore. Normally, food snobs such as moi shun eateries that serve BLD (breakfast, lunch, dinner), but Aroma has surpassed all stereotypes and I will happily dine with them for any meal of the day. The service isn't top notch, but the food is so good, you hardly notice. Their Seabass Skewers are the best fish dish I've had to date in LA (I am sorry, I know this fishy is endangered, but it was already dead so I decided to go for it.) Early in the morning or late at night, you'll always get craveable, fresh food, seasoned with spices passed down by generations. Sandwiches, salads, burekas and pizza ... yep they have that too. Baked in a hot clay oven, it's savory and satisfying, especially when you're hungover from two too many glasses of wine from the night before at Vino, right across the street ... but that's another post :)
~XOXO~ from the valley, where the food is authentic and the experiences unexpectedly pleasurable. ( And don't worry, I didn't really move there, geez!)
Food Flirt